Mobile Business
- B2B
- B2E
- B2C
- M2M
GSM/GPRS/GPS Modules Integration
Mobile Business
FOTON is a consulting and business development firm with an innovative approach to building mobile business success. We ensure our clients invest in profitable mobile business projects by developing creative solutions to business goals, and promoting our clients' services using industry relationships.
We assist our clients on strategic consulting and implementation projects, and become their mobile business partner. Our clients represent a broad range of industries - including banking and finance, consumer goods, media and publishing, recruitment, petroleum, automative, information services, leisure and entertainment and more.
We combine Strategic Consulting, Technology, Business Development and Implementation to deliver successful and profitable mobile business projects for our clients. Our Team bring a wealth of experience from the IT, telecommunications, Internet and consulting industries.
Services in Mobile Business
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Corporate solutions in mobile business will foster the efficiency of business processes in many aspects. In a Customer Relation Management (CRM) communication mobile devices can optimise the information flow. Sales representatives have permanent and real-time access to all sensitive company data, e. g. being in contact with the customers, they can give immediate information on the availability of a product by accessing the company's database via a PDA, or SmartPhone and take immediate action. Hence, mobile data entry improves the workflow in all areas since activities can be carried out in different locations at the same time.
Another field of application is mobile maintenance. Down times of machines can be minimised as the service technician is able to check the machine remotely so that he has all spare parts and tools available on his arrival. Anticipatory maintenance becomes available if the technician can connect to a machine retrieving status data and reacting to a possible need for maintenance. These services are particularly advantageous for all fast response businesses.
By integrating location-identification services in mobile data communication, fleet management is supported considerably. Routing is optimised and capacities can be better used since necessary documents such as delivery notes or clearance papers, are transmitted electronically. In an online marketplace free transport capacities can be sold on short notice or missing capacities can be bought to keep on schedule and deliver cost-efficiently.
Business-to-Employee (B2E)
Additional corporate solutions consider the communication between businesses and their employees. Businesses can make their intranet available to all their field staff. This includes all administrative tools like travel management, address books, etc. Moreover, all business applications become available on mobile devices so that calendars can be synchronised, e-mails checked, video conferences held, presentations downloaded, etc. Furthermore, employees are supported in their daily work. Using a mobile device they have all information available at all times and can communicate with other devices via Bluetooth or WLAN. The expensive and costly wiring of devices is avoided. When holding a presentation in a conference room, the mobile device recognises all necessary devices such as beamers, printers, or microphones, automatically permitting instant usage.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
Apart from the integration of more and more off-line services from typical industries like banks, financial service providers, insurance agencies, tourism, entertainment, automotive, commerce, and consumer goods manufacturers, a revolutionary aspect of mobile business in the B2C area is the implementation of location-based services allowing for one-to-one marketing. After having identified the location of a mobile device, it is possible to provide the user with relevant information depending on place and time. If he or she passes a certain restaurant at a certain time, a voucher for a reduced price meal may be sent. In stations and at airports, timetables can be sent to connected devices, or if a flight was missed, alternative travelling routes can be received. Not only entertainment services are imaginable, but also medical and emergency services. Apart from all kinds of mobile commerce purposes, the list of B2C applications is long. It ranges from entertainment services over emergency matters to remote control of various devices.
Machine-to-Machine (M2M)
Using wire line networks, the remote transmission of data for monitoring, decision making, and control of machines, referred to as telemetry, has already produced a wide range of applications. By the deployment of 3G networks, even devices that have been too costly to wire can be provided with mobile technology. There will be progress in remote diagnosis and self maintenance of machines in the near future. Vending machines can call with specific refill needs or utility companies can read their meters automatically.
GSM/GPRS/GPS Modules Integration
FOTON is a provider of specialist systems integration solutions of the GSM/GPRS/GPS modules to customers . FOTON offers a range of leading-edge products from manufacturers who lead their markets. The combination of FOTON's engineering and production capabilities and these products take our customers to market first. FOTON provide complete service and project management from initial specification to final delivery and beyond. Through extensive technical knowledge and experience from working with customers in the telecom, and industrial markets, FOTON is the preferred integration partner for technology driven system solutions.
GSM / GPRS has revolutionised not only mobile voice communication, but also have opened enormous opportunities for efficient, secure and cost effective communication of data, fax and text messages in a fully international mobile environment. GSM / GPRS modules (engines) is ideally suited for industrial. So "The opportunities within M2M are almost limitless," says Özer SARAÇ, Business Development&Projects Manager, FOTON.
What is M2M?
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) is the automated communication between remote machines and the central management application. It provides realtime monitoring and control without the need for human intervention.
Why adopt M2M now?
The Information Technology (I.T.) world is a mature market. Widespread adoption of Open Standards has lead to the collaboration of application data across the Supply Chain for optimising operations. The time is now right to extend and automate this open sharing of data direct to the machine.
What are the problems?
IT and machines are two very different worlds, where each does not understand the other! How do you achieve a reliable system without knowledge of the end-to-end?
FOTON provide the end-to-end M2M technology to integrate your remote machines with enterprise applications, enabling delivery of data under service.